This notice is issued pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“the Act”) which became enforceable on 15 February 2014. For the purpose of this notice, COMPUGATES shall mean Compugates Holdings Berhad and its subsidiaries companies and shall include such other subsidiaries, associate companies and/or related companies as may be incorporated from time to time.
1. Source and Description of Personal Data
2. The Notice and Choice [Purpose(s)]
The purposes for which your personal data may be used and/or processed by COMPUGATES shall include but not limited to:
3. Provision of Information
You have the right in deciding the information you wish to provide. However, it is obligatory to provide certain personal data and if you choose not to provide the same, COMPUGATES may not be able to offer products and services to you or your organisation, process credit application, assess credit worthiness, offer credit terms, provide you or your organisation with promotional and/or marketing offers for your benefit, and/or conduct business with you or your organisation.
4. Disclosure of Your Information
Whilst COMPUGATES does not disclose your information to any third parties unless such disclosure is within the ambit of permitted disclosures under the prevailing laws/guidelines and/or you have consented to such disclosures, COMPUGATES may disclose your information to the following parties:
Your personal data may also be stored in the ERP and email systems of COMPUGATES where the relevant staff of COMPUGATES may have access for the purposes set out above.
5. Security of Personal Data
Once collected, your personal data is stored by the Company on computer systems and storage media to which access is controlled or restricted. The Company has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of information under its control. Although the Company takes reasonable technological precautions, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure, and the Company cannot warrant that your information will be completely secure. Any transmission of your personal data on or through the use of its Internet site,, is at your own risk.
6. Retention of Personal Data
In accordance with the Company’s internal retention policy, your personal data will only be retained for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfill the original or directly related purpose for which it was collected (unless such personal data must be retained to satisfy any applicable statutory or contractual obligations).
7. Data Integrity and Access of Personal Data
PDPA Administration
No 3, Jalan PJU 1/41, Dataran Prima, 47301 Petaling Jaya
Tel: +(60)3–7880 8133 Fax:+(60)3-7880 6133
8. Reserve Right
COMPUGATES reserves the right to amend this Notice at any time and will place notice of such amendments on COMPUGATES’ website or through any other mode which COMPUGATES deems suitable.
Notis ini dikeluarkan selaras dengan keperluan-keperluan Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (“PDPA”). Untuk tujuan Notis ini, “COMPUGATES” bermaksud Compugates Holdings Berhad dan subsidiari- subsidiarinya, termasuk syarikat bersekutu dan/atau syarikat berkaitan sebagaimana yang diperbadankan dari semasa ke semasa.
1. Sumber dan Penerangan Data Peribadi
2. Kegunaan-kegunaan
Tujuan-tujuan di mana data peribadi anda digunakan dan/atau diproses oleh COMPUGATES adalah seperti berikut:
3. Pemberian Maklumat
Anda mempunyai hak dalam menentukan maklumat yang anda ingin beri. Walau bagaimanapun, anda diwajibkan memberi data peribadi tertentu dan sekiranya anda memilih untuk tidak memberi data peribadi tertentu, COMPUGATES mungkin tidak dapat menawarkan produk dan perkhidmatan kepada anda atau organisasi anda,memproses permohonan kredit, menilai kepercayaan kredit, menawarkan syarat kredit, membekalkan anda atau organisasi anda dengan tawaran promosi dan/atau permasaran untuk faedah anda, dan/atau menjalankan perniagaan dengan anda atau organisasi anda.
4. Pendedahan Maklumat Anda
Walaupun COMPUGATES tidak mendedahkan maklumat anda kepada mana-mana pihak ketiga melainkan jika pendedahan tersebut adalah di bawah bidang kuasa pendedahan yang dibenarkan di bawah undang-undang/ garis panduan dan/atau anda telah bersetuju dengan pendedahan tersebut, COMPUGATES mungkin mendedahkan maklumat anda kepada pihak-pihak berikut:
Data peribadi anda juga mungkin disimpan dalam ERP dan sistem e-mel COMPUGATES di mana kakitangan COMPUGATES yang berkenaan boleh mempunyai akses bagi tujuan-tujuan yang dinyatakan di atas.
5. Keselamatan Data Peribadi
Setelah dikumpulkan, data peribadi anda disimpan oleh COMPUGATES dalam sistem komputer dan media penyimpanan yang aksesnya dikawal atau disekat. COMPUGATES mempunyai langkah-langkah keselamatan untuk melindungi kehilangan, penyalahgunaan dan pengubahan maklumat di bawah kawalannya. Walaupun COMPUGATES mengambil langkah teknologi sekuriti yang munasabah, tetapi tiada penghantaran data melalui Internet yang boleh dijamin selamat sepenuhnya. Oleh itu COMPUGATES tidak boleh menjaminkan bahawa maklumat anda akan selamat sepenuhnya. Sebarang penghantaran data peribadi anda melalui penggunaan laman web Internet, / /, adalah atas risiko anda sendiri.
6. Penyimpanan Data Peribadi
Selaras dengan dasar penyimpanan COMPUGATES, data peribadi anda hanya akan disimpan pada jangka masa yang semunasabahnya perlu untuk memenuhi tujuan asal atau secara langsung berkaitan dengan mana ia dikumpulkan (kecuali data peribadi tersebut mesti disimpan untuk memenuhi apa-apa berkanun undang atau obligasi kontrak).
7. Data Intergriti dan Akses Data Peribadi
Pentadbiran Data Peribadi
COMPUGATES Holdings Berhad
No 3, Jalan PJU 1/41, Dataran Prima, 47301 Petaling Jaya
Tel: +(60)3–7880 8133 Fax:+(60)3-7880 6133
8. Hak Rizab
COMPUGATES berhak untuk meminda Notis ini pada bila-bila masa dan akan meletakkan notis pindaan tersebut dalam laman web COMPUGATES / / atau melalui saluran lain yang dianggap sesuai untuk COMPUGATES.
Introduction – The Policy
This document, (“Compugates”) shall mean Compugates Holdings Berhad and its subsidiaries companies and shall include such other subsidiaries, associate companies and/or related companies as may be incorporated from time to time.
Human Resources Data Protection Procedure (the “Procedure”) sets out Compugates rules and guidelines relating to holding, processing and dealing with information, materials and data about living individuals by Compugates and its employees and is designed to bring together the rights and obligations as set out in the Data Protection Act 2010 (the “Act”) and current “best practice” based on the guidance and other publications of the Information Commissioner.
Compugates recognises the importance of respecting the personal privacy of all employees and also the need to build in appropriate safeguards during the collection, storage, processing and utilisation of personnel data.
The Data Protection Act 2010
The Data Protection Act 2010 (the “2010 Act”) replaces the Data Protection Act 1984 and regulates when and how an individual’s ‘personal data’ may be obtained, held, used, disclosed and generally processed. It applies to computerise processing of personal data, and also certain paper based data files and records.
Under the Act, living individuals who are the subject of personal data have certain rights in relation to their data, which will govern what Compugates is allowed to do with their personal data.
1. Personal data relating to Compugates Personnel
2. Procedure
All personal data relating to Compugates Personnel data shall be:
3. Principal Purposes of Holding Data on Personnel Files
4. Sensitive Information
The following categories of information are subject to statutory restriction and will only be held on file for specific, legitimate purposes.
Only data relating to:
Data relating to iii) and iv) above will be collected and retained only with the express permission of the individual employees concerned. All Human Resources Staff who have access to health records shall be instructed that such information must be treated as confidential.
Restriction of Access to Personnel Data
Compugates may place all or part of its files onto a secure computer network and with restricted access to personnel data. When implemented access to individual employee data will only be granted to the following data users within Compugates for specific and legitimate purposes:
5. Evaluation based on Automated Processing of Data
No data shall be held on Compugates personnel files which is based solely on automated processing of data intended to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to an individual employee, such as his performance at work, creditworthiness, reliability or conduct.
6. Further Information
All employees have the right to know whether or not any personal data relating to them is being processed and to receive information relating to the description of the data, the purposes for which their personal data is or is to be processed, from whom it is received, to whom it is disclosed. All employees have the right to receive a copy of such personal data and have the right to correct any errors which exist on record about them. When further data is requested from them, they may know if replies to the questions are obligatory or voluntary and the possible consequences of failure to reply.
7. Access to Personnel Files by Employees
8. Retention
9. The Right to Object
Call us
03-7880 8133
03-7880 6133
Compugates Holdings Berhad
Registration No. 200401030779 (669287-H)
No.3 Jalan PJU 1/41,
Block C1 Dataran Prima,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.